Book of haggai explained

Haggai is second only to obadiah in brevity among the books of the old testament. In this book, haggai challenges israel after the exile to remain faithful. Book of habakkuk overview insight for living ministries. Aug 15, 2018 in this second shortest book of the old testament after obadiah, haggai scolded his countrymen for living in paneled houses while the lords house had fallen into disarray. Haggai probably had returned from the 70 year babylonian captivity with the first group to return in 537536 bc. This summary of the book of haggai provides information about the title, author s, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of haggai. Haggai free bible commentary in easy english easyenglish bible. A call to build the house of the lord in the second year of king darius, on the first day of the sixth month, the word of the lord came through the prophet haggai to zerubbabel son of shealtiel, governor of judah, and to joshua son of jozadak, the high priest. It is a short book, consisting of only two chapters. The book of haggai is named after its assumed writer, the prophet haggai.

When the babylonians conquered jerusalem in 586 bc, they destroyed the magnificent temple built by king solomon and carried the jews into exile in babylon. Haggai is also mentioned twice in the book of ezra, the priest who oversaw the work. It is a postexilic book, meaning it was written after post the captivity exile in babylon. The people were very responsive, and they got to work, assured that the lord was with them as they went about the. The nwt study bible is complete with cross references, maps, and an accurate bible dictionary. A large emigration had taken place from the land of captivity to jerusalem. Go up to the mountains, bring wood and rebuild the temple, that i may be pleased with it and be glorified, says the lord. Summary of the book of haggai the story of the bible. The specific mention of the second year of darius 1.

Whether it did or not, we see here that god sends a message through haggai to the two leaders of the jews zerubbabel the governor and jeshua the high priest. At the same time the lord shows the glorious purpose and design of the true temple which is jesus christ. Book of haggai the old testament book of haggai reminds gods people that he is their first priority in life. It was written to people like us, who would say that god must be first. The object of the prophet was generally to urge the people to proceed with the rebuilding of the temple. The people felt discouraged because their temple looked unimpressive, but haggai reminded them to keep working and hope in gods promise of a new jerusalem. Apart from obadiah, haggai is the shortest book in the ot, but its teachings are none the less significant. Watch our overview video on the book of haggai, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Book of haggai overview insight for living ministries. The prophet haggai recorded his four messages to the jewish people of jerusalem in 520 bc, eighteen years after their return from exile in babylon 538 bc. Ackroyd, studies in the book of haggai, jjs 2 1951.

The book of haggai, the 10th of 12 old testament books that bear the names of the minor prophets. The book of haggai consists of four precisely dated messages from the lord. It is about rebuilding jerusalem and why it was important for the jews to rebuild the temple. David guzik commentary on haggai 1, where god rebukes the returning. The book of habakkuk offers us a picture of a prideful people being humbled, while the righteous live by faith in god 2. Haggai addresses the civil and the religious representatives of the people, so as to have them as his associates in giving gods commands. Next to obadiah, haggai is the shortest book in the old testament, containing but two chapters comprised of a total of 38 verses. He came after the exile, so his job was to encourage. Haggai 1 kjv commentary analysis application bible study. When your conscience nags, you have reasons to explain why things are. The book of haggai offers future hope and encourages.

Outline of the book of haggai haggais work haggai was a prophet of god that prophesied to the jews who had returned to jerusalem from babylon during the year 536 bc i. Haggai sought to challenge the people of god concerning their priorities. The events shown in haggais prophecy are very compressed, and many of these events will happen in an extremely short period of time. Haggai 1 niv a call to build the house of the lord bible. These people say, the time has not yet come to rebuild the lords house. The book of haggai is the second smallest book of the old testament. Understanding the book of haggai in the bible old testament. Then spake haggai he was the lords messenger, and he came with the lords message, and consequently he came with authority.

Haggai clearly shows the consequences of disobedience 1. The verifiable setting dates around 520 bce before the temple has been rebuilt. Key personalities are haggai, zerubbabel, and joshua. The concise, bare bones style of the book of haggai has led some scholars to believe it is a summary of a longer, more detailed work that has since been lost. Haggai zechariah malachi matthew the year was 520 bc. Haggai is among the most carefully and precisely dated books in the entire bible. Haggai with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. May 03, 2017 the book of haggai is named after its assumed writer, the prophet haggai. The prophet reproves the people, and particularly their ruler and high priest, for negligence and delay in rebuilding the temple. The prophets haggai and zechariah played an important role in encouraging the jewish people and their leaders zerubbabel, the governor of judah, and the high priest joshua to return to their homeland and rebuild the jerusalem temple following the babylonian exile. The book of haggai reminds the exiled rebuilders of jerusalem to give god their primary allegiance and not rebel against the covenant like their ancestors. After 70 years of captivity, persian king cyrus, issued a decree in 538 b. The example of the prophet habakkuk encourages believers to.

These jews were led back to jerusalem to rebuild the temple of jehovah that had been destroyed by the babylonians. The book of haggai contains messages delivered by the prophet haggai, and thus it is reasonable to consider haggai its author. The book of haggai begins as a wakeup call to the jews who had neglected the temple, but it ends with an example of how god delights in his. There are also chronological prophecies in the book of haggai which dovetail with chronological prophecies in the following book of zechariah. It is clear that the focal point of haggais prophecy is the contemporary nation of israel and the city of jerusalem in particular. In this book, haggai challenges israel after the exile to remain faithful to their god and rebuild the temple. The book of haggai is the first of the three postexile prophets. Gods people had returned from exile in persia in 539 19 years earlier. He explained in chapter 1 that the hard times they were experiencing were directly related to the spiritually impoverished lives they were living. So this is how the lord begins to speak to his wayward people.

Haggai summary we hope that you find the haggai summary from the kjv bible chapters and verses helpful to your bible studies and for references as a guide to further reference to the book of haggai. May 02, 2020 the book of haggai is a reminder of the problems the people of god faced at this time, how the people courageously trusted in god, and how god provided for their needs. The book of haggai records the extra motivation that was needed by god in 520 bc to have the israelites complete the rebuilding of the temple after they returned from the exile. Haggai is the second shortest book in the old testament obadiah is shorter, and is quoted by the new testament once compare heb. Haggai 1 niv a call to build the house of the lord. They came for one major purpose to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed by babylon in. Outline of the book of haggai the first of haggais four prophecies haggai 1. Haggais message to rebuild the temple was passionate, simple, and straightforward haggai 1. The prophet haggai recorded his four messages to the jewish people of jerusalem in 520 bc, eighteen years after their return from exile. Because his name means festal one, it is suggested that haggai was born on a feast day.

With true heroism, and much noble and unselfish enthusiasm, they began the work, postponing to it all. He encourages them to set about the work, and on their doing so, promises that. Haggai reproves the jews for neglecting the temple. The book of haggai, the second shortest in the old testament, communicates this same message. The books of ezra and nehemiah are also key literary sources on the restoration of the jewish religious.

Haggai ministered among the jews who had returned to judea after some 70. Translators could also find the translated bible text useful, as the writer translated from the hebrew text. In this case haggai would have been much older than 70 years when he wrote his book. The short prophecy of haggai is very important on the prophetic scene. Chapter first comprehends the first address 211 and its effects 1215. The book of haggai introduction to the book of haggai in the bible. The book of haggai, second shortest in the old testament, has a. The book of haggai is narrative history and prophetic oracle. Unlocking the old testament part 56 haggai youtube. Haggai commentary introduction lets open our bibles to the book of haggai. Haggai is known only from this book as well as two references to him in the book of ezra. All of these prophetic books contain a piece of the puzzle that contributes to the total historicalspiritual picture.

Haggai 1 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Haggai began two months before zechariah, who was raised up to second him, that out of the mouth of two witnesses the word might be established. It reminds us that while god may seem silent and uninvolved in our world, he always has a plan to deal with evil and always works out justice. The book of haggai, second shortest in the old testament, has a potent message. After thousands of years, the book of haggai remains largely unique among the books of old testament prophets for one key reason. They returned to rebuild the temple, but they became discouraged and gave up the project. The specific mention of the second year of darius places the book in the year 520 b. Haggai 1 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. The book of haggai is composed of messages the prophet haggai preached to a remnant of the jews who returned to jerusalem after the exile to babylon. To grasp its full significance, we require knowledge about the books of ezra, jeremiah, malachi, and zechariah.

David pawson teaching trust 2019 while some prophets had a lifetime of prophesying, david pawson says that haggai spoke for only 3 months. The book of haggai, also known as the book of aggeus, is a book of the hebrew bible or. The great purpose which the returning exiles had in view was the rebuilding of the temple, as the centrepoint of the restored nation. The events shown in haggai s prophecy are very compressed, and many of these events will happen in an extremely short period of time. This was addressed to the leaders, rebuking them for the spiritual lethargy which had allowed the temple to lie unfinished for such a long time.

These people say, the time has not yet come to rebuild the lord s house. A free bible version and commentary on the book of haggai in easyenglish. This commentary has been through advanced checking. When the people give priority to god and his house, they are blessed rather than cursed cf. Chapter second contains, the second prophecy 19, which was delivered a month after the first. It is clear that the focal point of haggai s prophecy is the contemporary nation of israel and the city of jerusalem in particular. The book of haggai, also known as the book of aggeus, is a book of the hebrew bible or tanakh, and has its place as the thirdtolast of the minor prophets.

An easyenglish translation and commentary 1200 word vocabulary on the book of haggai. He also pointed out when the people turned away from god, their needs were not met, but when they honored god, they prospered. Haggai is the tenth of the minor prophets, the last 12 books of the old testament. It is the only book of the english bible to contain two chapters. God gives his followers wisdom and energy to do the work he assigns them. The book of haggai contains four prophetic messages, all delivered in about four months. The book of haggai consists of two brief, comprehensive chapters.

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